Zane Chandy

I am a web developer and life-long learner who is extraordinarily passionate about programming. I am aiming to contribute a beyond satisfying experience for my clients or company, from development to deployment.

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Zane Chandy

SQL Library Manager

This is the eight project of the Full Stack JavaScript techdegree utilizing SQLite with Express.js and Node.js through a popular ORM(Sequelize). The project uses a pre-included mockup of a library database that executes CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations and can add, remove, or edit books inside the database. In this project, I learned the basic concepts of using an ORM to interact with a SQL database and perform simple operations that will later be built on top of by using more advanced procedures as the course progresses.

  • Node
  • Express
  • Sequelze
  • SQLite3
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